Tag Archives: School

5/7 INFINITE Members to Attend ‘Daekyung University’.

7 Mar

Congratz to INFINITE.

Out of the seven members of INFINITE, five got accepted into the same University; DAEKYUNG UNIVERSITY.

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2PM’s Junsu Re-Enters the Dong-ah Institute of Media & Arts.

1 Mar

Let’s Study, Study, Study.

On February 24th, 2PM’s Junsu was admitted into the bachelor program for Performing Arts at the Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts. The idol will be starting his new semester as a fourth year student.

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SNSD Featured in Korean Educational Textbooks?

24 Feb

Pop Culture at it’s Finest.

Korea’s Number 1 Girl group SNSD (Girls’ Generation)  has now expanded into the textbooks of Middle/High School Students?

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Yura of Girl’s Day Accepted into Dongduk Women’s University.

5 Feb

Going to University.

Today, it was revealed that Girl’s Day’s Yura has been accepted into Dongduk Women’s University. This glamorous idol will buckle down as a student of broadcasting entertainment.

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During Her Debut Days, IU was Told to “Screw Off”.

2 Jan

Small Things Hurt.

Singer IU candidly shared her experience on starting a music career early in her teens, during the January 2nd episode of SBS’s “Heroes.”

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Shocking Pictures of Suju’s Ryeowook Are the Talk Among Netizens.

27 Nov

Photos Shock Neitzens.

Super Junior’s Ryeowook past photos have recently been revealed online, These photos of Ryeowook in his school days were revealed through an internet community site.

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