Seo Inkook Releases Shocking Comeback Teaser.

25 Mar

Seo Inkook To Comeback.

Seo In Kook’s first comeback teaser for “Broken” has just been revealed! On March 25th, the singer’s teaser was released exclusively through Daum, and fans were shocked by his strong charisma.

Seo In Kook wanted to portray a ‘modern fetish’ concept, and so the short clip focused on shots of his hands, face, and neck while a haunting preview of his song played in the background.

Donning a bold lace top with a sharp bowl cut, Seo In Kook seems to have smashed his cute and dandy look from his “Love U” and “Baby U” days. Fans expressed high interest in the singer’s drastic transformation, and are looking forward to seeing what he will reveal next.

Seo In Kook’s “Broken” will be unveiled fully on March 31st.


Source: Allkpop, Daum | Shared by: rawr6127

– M

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